Es seguidor de Jesucristo, esposo de Aileen y padre de tres niños pequeños. Escribe libros y artículos para un blog a modo de pasatiempo, mientras se gana la vida como consultor de Internet. Se congrega y sirve en la Iglesia Grace Fellowship, dirige el sitio web Discerning Reader [El lector perspicaz] y es cofundador de la editorial cristiana Cruciform Press. Entre sus libros se incluye: The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment [La disciplina del discernimiento espiritual], Sexual Detox [Limpia tu mente] y The Next Story [La próxima historia]. Tim is a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband to Aileen and a father to three young children. He writes books and blogs for fun while doing web consulting for a living. He worship and serves at Grace Fellowship Church, edits Discerning Reader and is a co-founder of Cruciform Press. His books include: The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, Sexual Detox, and The Next Story."