Life sample chapter
Do you ever wonder if the Gospel is truly “good news” for your actual, everyday, often difficult, sometimes painful, and typically crazy real life? Well, it is. But sometimes we all need a reminder that God’s faithfulness really does follow us into the face of all that harried, hard, and even humorous stuff of life.
In her new devotional LIFE, Lisa Harper gives you exactly that: a gut-level exploration of pertinent and redemptive moments in Scripture that prove God’s grace is more than sufficient for both the massive and the minuscule things of life.
Whether we deal with personal loss, ongoing trauma, global crisis, or simply a super bad hair day, the Gospel is more than enough to handle everything, so dive into LIFE and find some tangible hope for yours!
quotable quotes
“No matter how hard it’s raining in our lives now, it’s really only a thimbleful of liquid in the vast ocean of God’s sovereignty.”
“The heart of God is moved by the wounds of humanity. Our ache accelerates His compassion.”
“Our Savior’s death was not a knee jerk reaction; it was a carefully and divinely orchestrated mission of mercy.”
“Instead of focusing on the inevitable rain in life, I want to focus on the inevitable sunshine.”
“‘I believe but help me in my unbelief’ is basically the story of my life.”
“Jesus didn’t just come to be like us so as to save some of us; He became like the least of us so as to save all of us.”
“If you listen to your life, and really look to see where God’s hand has been at work, miracles will show themselves for what they are.”
“Lean in even when it’s hard, lest you lose what’s actually worth living for.”
“Our hope isn’t in the strength of our grip, it’s in the supernaturally strong grasp of our God!”
press inquiries
For press inquiries regarding LIFE,
please contact [email protected]