NASHVILLE, Tenn (December 16, 2015) – B&H Publishing Group is pleased to announce that Onward: Engaging Culture without Losing the Gospel by Russell Moore was announced as the Christianity Today 2016 Book of the Year. It won the overall category, ‘Beautiful Orthodoxy.”
Christianity Today’s editorial team picked books that are most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture. In addition, it also won in the Politics and Public Life category.
“Moore provides a primer on how our commitments to Christ and his kingdom (as opposed to our political, social, and cultural agendas) should shape not only how we live our lives, but also what our lives should say to a watching, listening world,” reviewed Harold Smith, president and CEO of Christianity Today. “Combining the beauty of what he calls the ‘true gospel’ with a biblical orthodoxy that will inescapably mark Christians as ‘strange,’ Moore holds forth on the charged issues defining the 21st century. His colorful style will occasionally take readers aback—but ultimately keep them pressing on to a satisfying end.”
Published in August 2015, Onward, released by B&H Publishing Group, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission President Russell Moore lays out a vision for American Christianity where believers are less like the chaplains of some idyllic and imaginary Mayberry, and more like the apostles in the Bible’s Book of Acts.
Moore addresses some of the toughest issues in Christianity in Onward. “If America ever really was a ‘Christian nation,’ it certainly can’t be considered one today,” says Moore. “Increasingly, one need not be religiously identified at all, much less a regular churchgoer, to be considered ‘normal’ in American culture. Many within the church are panicking over these trends. Some see them as evidence that churches must change or die; others see it as the death knell for Christianity altogether. But I think the future of the church is incandescently bright. Strangely enough, the increasing marginalization of Christianity offers an opportunity for the church to reclaim a Gospel vision that has been too often obscured, even within the sectors of the church we think of as conservative. The collapse of the Bible Belt may be bad news for America. But it can be good news for the church.”
Onward was also named a 2015 Top 5 Religion Title by Publishers Weekly in November. The book cover, created under the art direction of Jeff Godby at B&H Publishing Group and designed by Hatch Showprint in Nashville, was also honored with a Top Shelf Book Award by ECPA in October. In addition to the book, Lifeway Resources produced a 6-session DVD and book study.
“Dr. Moore is uniquely gifted to speak to the issues of our day,” noted B&H Trade Book Publisher, Jennifer Lyell. “From his early days working on political campaigns, to dean at one of the largest seminaries in the world, all while preaching in churches small and large across the country for decades, Dr. Moore’s perspective is grounded by biblical truth, rooted in theological depth, and seasoned by the people he’s met through decades of gospel ministry. This all combines with the pen of writer as gifted as any I have ever met, to produce messages that have the potential to shape a generation. We at B&H Publishing Group are so grateful for the recognition that Onward has received and believe that it is very much deserved.
Russell Moore is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. The Wall Street Journal called him “vigorous, cheerful, and fiercely articulate.” He is the author of several books, including Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches. He and his wife Maria are the parents of five sons. Learn more at RussellMoore.com.