Christopher Morgan
Christopher W. Morgan (PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as professor of theology and dean of the School of Christian Ministries at California Baptist University in Riverside, CA.
View Author's PageWith more than 700 definitions for theological words and phrases from "Abrahamic covenant" to "Zwinglian view of the Lord's Supper," A Concise Dictionary of Theological Terms helps readers master the foundational language of the Christian faith. Unique in its format, grouping related words together to promote overall comprehension, this is an essential resource for Christians who want to understand unfamiliar terms or gain more in-depth knowledge of key theological concepts.
Introduction to A Concise Dictionary of Theological Terms
A Abrahamic covenant—autographs
B banishment—Bultmann, Rudolf
C calling—curse
D Davidic covenant—dynamic theory of inspiration
E Eareckson Tada, Joni—extreme unction
F faith—fundamentalism
G Gehenna—Gutiérrez, Gustavo
H hamartiology—hypostatic union
I idealism—Israel
J Jesus—Justin Martyr
K Kant, Immanuel—Knox, John
L lake of fire—Lutheran view of Lord’s Supper
M Mary—mysticism
N natural headship—nominalism
O obedience—Owen, John
P Padilla, René—Puritanism
R Radical Reformation—Roman Catholicism
S Sabbath—systematic theology
T temple of the Spirit—type, typology
U unchangeableness of God—unpardonable sin
V Vatican I—vision of God
W walking in the Spirit—wrath of God
Y Yahweh—young earth creationism
Z Zwingli, Ulrich—Zwinglian view of the Lord’s Supper