During the Christmas season, even those who do not know Jesus love the lights and songs. And yet to many, this is all that Christmas is about. Even for Christians who genuinely love Jesus, the holiday bustle drowns out the true meaning of the season: Christmas is God’s yearly reminder for sinners to come out of the darkness and into the light.
A Savior Is Born by William F. Cook III offers a fresh, rigorous, and devotional exploration of the birth and infancy narratives of Jesus Christ. Positioned around the accounts detailed in Matthew and Luke, each chapter exposits the biblical text in a chronological order, exploring its exegetical meaning, Old Testament fulfillment, and ancient customs. In addition to exegetical commentary, each chapter concludes with pastoral reflections and a traditional Christian hymn of response.
Written by a pastor and biblical scholar, A Savior Is Born is intended for any Christian who wants to dive deep into the passages of Scripture that convey the Christmas story. It is also a valuable resource for church small groups and pastors who want to lead their congregations in a deeper understanding of the Advent season.
Table of Contents
1. The Incarnation of God’s Son (John 1:1–18)
Taking a Deeper Dive: The Imagery of Light
2. The Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1–17)
Taking a Deeper Dive: The Son of David
3. The Annunciation of the Forerunner (Luke 1:5–25)
Taking a Deeper Dive: John the Baptist
4. The Annunciation of the Son of God (Luke 1:26–38)
Taking a Deeper Dive: False Teachings on Mary
5. The Songs of Spirit-Filled Women (Luke 1:39–56)
Taking a Deeper Dive: The Great Reversal
6. The Song of a Spirit-Filled Man (Luke 1:57–80)
Taking a Deeper Dive: Salvation in Luke’s Gospel
7. The Annunciation to Joseph (Matthew 1:18–25)
Taking a Deeper Dive: Jesus Is “God with Us”
8. The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1–7)
Taking a Deeper Dive: The Year of Jesus’s Birth
9. The Song of the Angels (Luke 2:8–20)
Taking a Deeper Dive: The Joy of Christmas
10. The Joy of Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:21–40)
Taking a Deeper Dive: The Holy Spirit in Luke’s Gospel
11. The Worship of the Nations (Matthew 2:1–12)
12. The Flight to Egypt and Return (Matthew 2:13–23)
13. The Childhood of Jesus: The Sign of Things to Come (Luke 2:41–52)
14. The Old Testament Messianic Expectation of a Coming One
Name and Subject Index
Scripture Index