Tell Your Catholic Friend

by Leonardo De Chirico

Tell Your Catholic Friend

by Leonardo De Chirico

Trade Paper
Do you have Catholic friends who may practice their traditions and rituals but are less committed to surrendering to Jesus in their lives? This book will help you better understand Catholic beliefs and have gospel conversations with your Catholic friends.


We all have Catholic friends. The question is: Are we sharing the gospel with them? If we are, how are we doing it?

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious institution in the world with approx. 1.3 billion Catholics world-wide. Although Roman Catholicism seems to be a single unified belief system, not all Catholics believe the same things or act in the same way. Regardless, all Roman Catholics feel connected to their church's traditions and rituals. Unfortunately, the church of Rome does not hold the Bible as the highest authority or teach that salvation comes by faith alone. Many Catholics might be baptized but may not be true believers according to the Bible. Therefore, when we talk about Jesus and the gospel with our Catholic friends, it's crucial to understand their beliefs and the key issues involved.

The book will give answers to the following questions:

  • Is Roman Catholicism yet another denomination?
  • Are Catholics born again?
  • What gospel narratives and tips can be used to share the gospel with Catholics?
  • What are the FAQs in our gospel conversations?

Tell Your Catholic Friends will help you understand both Roman Catholicism and your Roman Catholic friends better, encouraging you to share the gospel with them, and empowering you to do so in a faithful, loving and appealing way.

About the Author

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    Not Yet Published
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