I was studying Psalms 96—98 and began to have a desire to write a book to share the marvelous works of God with the next generation. I wanted to tell the epic story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I wanted children to hear the gospel story starting with creation going through Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection, and ending with the hope of eternal life. Often children hear bits and pieces of the Bible, but I wanted them to be able to understand the grand story that is woven throughout Scripture. I wanted them to understand that the reason this life is often filled with struggle is because we have an enemy who wants to harm us and take us captive. We are all given a choice to continue in darkness or repent and believe in Jesus. When we believe in Jesus, we are delivered from darkness and given new life and a new identity as children of God. As children of God, we no longer have to believe the lies of the enemy who seeks to destroy us. Instead, God provides us with the training and guidance for living victoriously over darkness in this world.
The story is a parable because it shortens the Biblical gospel story from thousands of years to the lifetime of two people, Adamus and Genevieve. While the real Adam and Eve died anticipating the promise of a savior, the characters in The Marvelous Maker live through the entire epic tale of the Bible. Adamus and Genevieve represent countless generations of believers who have been delivered from darkness and brought into the kingdom of light through Jesus Christ. Their story represents all of us, in the sense that every one of us has sinned and is living in a fallen world in need of redemption.
I have always loved the meter and rhyme of poetry that gives readers the impression that they are hearing a song that can be easily remembered and even memorized.
I hope that children will have a better understanding of a biblical worldview that there is more to this world than what we can see. I want children to see that we have an enemy who lies to us, but a loving Maker who gave his life for us. The enemy wants to take us captive, but the Maker sets us free. We must learn to throw off the lies of the enemy and instead embrace that we are royalty, children of God.
Honestly, I see this book as a tool for parents to lead their children into a relationship with Christ. The story of redemption for the characters is the path that each one of us must take to receive salvation. Following the parent connection guide, I hope that parents will put their child’s name into John 3:16 and be able to lead them to Christ in that way: “For God so loved Johnny, that if Johnny believes in him, Johnny will have eternal life.”
My favorite illustration is the page where the characters are suddenly clothed in royal garments. It truly shows their transformation from being captives of darkness to children of the light. On this page, the Maker promises to train them how to beat the tricky tempter at his own game. It really encapsulates the spiritual battle that we all face as Christians to follow the Lord step by step every day so that we don’t fall prey to the lies of the devil.