This devotional is for the woman who desires to live courageously but doesn’t know how. It’s for women facing change or challenges, women dealing with unexpected circumstances and women afraid they don’t have what it takes to walk the path God has planned for them.
The women in this devotional are many of the same women featured in the “(in)courage Devotional Bible.” We selected these women of courage not because they were the flashiest or most famous, but because we saw something in these women that resonated with us today. Our specific struggles may be different, but the universal need and desire for courage spans centuries and countries. And while it made sense to include the stories we’re most familiar with, we also sought out lesser-known women whose impact—and faith—was just as significant.
Each day’s devotional begins with Scripture sharing the story of a woman in the Bible. The text of the devotional then dives deeper into that woman’s experience, relating it to challenges we face today. It ends with an encouragement to follow this woman’s steps in courage and a gut-level, honest prayer.
The story of the bleeding woman in Mark 5 gives me so much hope. Though my struggles are different from hers, I deeply understand the exhaustion that comes from fighting a battle over a long period of time and from hanging on to hope throughout it all. I love the way Jesus illustrates in healing her that he is our hope and that he has not forsaken us, even when it takes a long time for our own healing to happen.
Devotionals can be such a rich way to encounter the Word of God, giving readers direction and structure as well as application to everyday life. We may not always have time for deep Bible study, or we may not feel equipped to interpret meaning and application from Scripture on our own. But using a devotional as a guide to possible messages makes God’s Word personal and relevant in a way few resources can.
I pray this devotional gives women practical guidance in living a life of courage, as well as encouragement as they face the hard, scary parts of life women have gone through from biblical times to today.