A Challenge to Great Commission Obedience

A Challenge to Great Commission Obedience, eBook

The greatest messages from International Mission Board president Rankin are gathered in one motivational tool for contemporary missionaries.


For the first time, The Challenge to Great Commission Obedience gathers the greatest missionary-inspiring messages from International Mission Board president Jerry Rankin. Originally spoken through the years to men and women heading abroad to do the Lord’s work, these commissioning words stand the test of time and ring true to all believers wherever they are today.With deep conviction, Rankin passionately shares the purpose, the power, and the promise of the Great Commission. Pointing always to Jesus as the light of the world, we are reminded of our blessed call to carry that light everywhere from the Americas to Zimbabwe and all points in between, to everyone in need of a Savior whose love and mercy are everlasting.Every believer hears the call; this enthusiastic book will bring great clarity and understanding to how we proceed in our answering of it.

Product Details

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