NASHVILLE, TN (August 29, 2014) – In 2014 B&H Publishing Group expanded their Apologetics resources and presence to equip Christians to be more confident in their faith.
This past month, the B&H Bibles team established a unique partnership with Alex McFarland and the Truth for a New Generation apologetics conference, which will be held September 5-6 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Speakers like Josh and Sean McDowell, Eric Metaxas, and Dr. Ben Carson headline the conference. The goal of Truth for a New Generation is to promote strengthening your faith with a deeper understanding of apologetics.
In July and August, B&H promoted a special “strengthen your faith” sweepstakes. The winner will receive a free trip and tickets to Truth for a New Generation Conference and several apologetics study Bibles and books in the promotion. Other winners will receive Apologetics Libraries and ten leather Apologetic Bibles.
The promotion featured The Apologetics Study Bible and The Apologetics Study Bible for Students as well as Truth Matters and the Holman Quick Guides among others. Collectively, these two Apologetics Study Bibles have sold 328,000 units to date. To promote the campaign, B&H and the conference team have implemented a comprehensive advertising and social media campaign, reaching book buying consumers, active attendees as well as alumni of the conference and featured on Alex McFarland’s daily radio show on American Family Radio, Exploring the Word. Over 500 people registered for the contest and over 2.4 million people were reached. To keep track of B&H Apologetics initiatives, visit
B&H Bible publisher Jeremy Howard noted, “There is a movement not just in the academic community but among the broader church membership to explore Apologetics. Christians want to learn more about the Bible and how to defend it with love and reason. Our prayer is for this event to ignite Christians to recognize and embrace Apologetics in daily Christian life–that is the spirit of why we developed The Apologetics Study Bible.”
B&H Academic’s most recent release is Truth in a Culture of Doubt (B&H Academic), co-authored by New York Times best-selling author Dr. Darrell Bock, Andreas Köstenberger, and Josh Chatraw. This follows the CBA best-seller, Truth Matters, also authored by Bock, Köstenberger, and Chatraw, which was written to help younger Christians understand how to answer some of the most common questions from the Bible’s skeptics.
B&H Publishing Group, a division of Lifeway Christian Resources, is a team of mission-minded people with a passion for taking God’s Word to the world. Because we believe Every Word Matters® we seek to provide intentional, Bible-centered content that positively impacts the hearts and minds of people, inspiring them to build a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Among our print and digital releases for the trade, church, and academic markets, titles include The New York Times No. 1 best-sellers The Love Dare and The Vow, #1 CBA best-seller I Am a Church Member as well as the award-winning HCSB Study Bible, which features the Holman Christian Standard Bible translation. Follow us on Twitter at @BHPub and on Facebook.
Contact: Dave Schroeder, Dir. of Communications