J. Mack Stiles
J. Mack Stiles es el preidente Gulf Digital Solutions y es secretario general de la FOCUS (la asociación de estudiantes cristianos de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos). El ha trabajado por años con InterVarsity Christian Fellowship e Estados Unidos. Además de trabajar como plantador de Iglesias por muchos años, actualmente sirve como anciano en la Iglesia Redeemer de Dubai. Es autor de Marks of the Messanger y Speaking of Jesus.J. Mack Stiles is CEO of Gulf Digital Solutions and general secretary for the Fellowship of Christian UAE Students (FOCUS) in the United Arab Emirates. He has worked for many years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States. In addition to working as a church planter for many years, he currently serves as an elder at Redeemer Church of Dubai. He is the author of Marks of the Messenger and Speaking of Jesus.