What if the path toward an extraordinary life is becoming more ordinary?
Ordinary is not a call to be more radical. If anything, it is a call to the contrary. The kingdom of God isn’t coming with light shows, and shock and awe, but with lowly acts of service. Tony Merida wants to push back against sensationalism and “rock star Christianity,” and help people understand that they can make a powerful impact by practicing ordinary Christianity.
Through things such as humble acts of service, neighbor love, and hospitality, Christians can shake the foundations of the culture. In order to see things happen that have never happened before, Christians must to do what Christians have always done. Christians need to become more ordinary.
Let’s think together about how we, ordinary people, doing ordinary things, might turn the world upside down.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Confessions: Trading Sensationalism for Ordinary Christianity
1. God-Centered Humility: How an Ordinary Christian Walked with His Extraordinary God
2. Kingdom Hospitality: How the King’s People Welcome Others
3. Care for the Vulnerable: How the Father’s Children Love the Fatherless
4. Courageous Advocacy: How God’s People Speak Up for the Voiceless (with Kimberly Merida)
5. Neighbor Love: How Justified Sinners Show Compassion in Word and Deed
Conclusion: Longing for a Just World