Unveiling the End Times in Our Time
“The one who reads this is blessed, and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in it are blessed, because the time is near!” —Revelation 1:3 (HCSB)
Respected Bible teacher and beloved pastor Adrian Rogers takes readers on a breathtaking journey through the “blessing book” of Revelation with Unveiling the End Times in Our Time. Indeed, Revelation offers every Christian believer a dramatic and hope-filled overview of what the end of days will be like.
Although some think Revelation is confusing, or even scary, with its talk of dragons and beasts, the text contains a proper understanding of where his- tory is headed. Rogers makes clear how the signs of the times already reveal God’s plan for bringing his people to full redemption, empowering us to live boldly while expecting the return of King Jesus as the triumphant Lamb.
Respected Bible teacher and beloved pastor Adrian Rogers takes readers on a breathtaking journey through the “Blessing Book.” Revelation offers every believer a dramatic and hope-filled overview of what the end of the age will be like. Some people think Revelation is confusing, or even scary, with all its talk of dragons and beasts. But it gives us a proper understanding of where history is headed that will empower us to live boldly as eagerly expect the return of King Jesus as the triumphant Lamb.As Adrian Rogers will show, the signs of the times already reveal God’s plan for bringing his people into full redemption. And we can see them even in our time.