
Your feelings always count to God!

Toddlers and preschoolers often struggle with emotions like anxiety, fear, and sadness because they lack the maturity to address, process, and communicate their hardest feelings. But counting down and focusing on the five senses can help calm and conquer any fired-up emotions

In You Count!: A Five-Senses Countdown to Calm, preschoolers follow an upset baby bear through his daily routine. He is guided by his mama to focus attention on the senses God gave him. By observing the outer world, baby bear learns to manage his inner world.

Once the baby bear is calm and focused, his mama reminds him that God feels for him too. This book serves as a valuable tool for both preschoolers and their parents as they learn that even the biggest feelings are normal and valuable.

Parent Connection

We’re all about connecting parents and kids to each other and to God’s Word here at B&H Kids. Download this Parent Connection to help you discuss the book’s message with your kids.

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Champ Thornton

Champ Thornton (PhD) is an acquisitions editor. He and his wife, Robben, live in Newark, Delaware, have been married since 1996, and enjoy being parents to three energetic teenage children. He’s the author of many books for kids and families, including The Radical Book for Kids and Why Do We Say Thank You? Learning to Be Grateful. And even after writing You Count! he’s still terrible at math.