
You may think you’re too old to run fast, but you’re not too old to run well.

When the lead runner starts his final lap in a long-distance race, the starter fires his pistol for the second time. This signals the start of the gun lap—the last chance to leave it all out on the track.

Gun Lap is for men who are running their last lap. Or maybe younger men who are looking ahead to their gun lap, but want to live the rest of their lives with purpose and strength.

This is no small thing. In fact, it’s a big deal, because we only get one chance at this life. The author of the New Testament book of Hebrews agrees…wrote, “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (12:1 CSB). Perseverance. No word better describes the goal of this race…every lap…including the last one. Gun Lap will help you pay close attention to the strides you have left.

quotable quotes

“Okay, so your phone doesn’t ring as often as it used to, but your advice is still priceless.”

“This book is not about death. It’s about living…running intentionally and wide awake.”

“When you hear a voice that tells you that you’re useless, tell it where to go.”

“There is meaning and purpose in our free time our gun lap has granted us. Don’t shift into neutral – keep running.”

“Mortality is real. But so is life.”

the author

Robert Wolgemuth graduated from Taylor University in 1969, from where he also received an honorary doctorate in May, 2005. He is the author of more than twenty books, including The Most Important Place on Earth, She Calls Me Daddy, The Most Important Year in a Man’s Life, Lies Men Believe, Like the Shepherd, and You Can Trust God to Write Your Story, co-written with his wife, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Robert is the father of two grown daughters, two sons-in-law, granddaddy to five, and granddaddy-in-law to one. Robert and Nancy live in Michigan. ​Robert Wolgemuth se graduó de Taylor University en 1969, de donde también recibió un doctorado honorario en Mayo de 2005. Es autor de más de 20 libros, incluyendo The Most Important Place on Earth [El lugar más importante en la tierra], She Calls Me Daddy [Mi hija me llama papi], The Most Important Year in a Man’s Life [El año más importante en la vida de un hombre], Lies Men Believe [Mentiras que los hombres creen], Like the Shepherd [Como el buen pastor] y You Can Trust God to Write Your Story [Confía en Dios para escribir tu historia], escrito junto con su esposa, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Robert es padre de dos hijas y dos yernos, abuelo de cinco y bisabuelo de uno. Robert y Nancy viven en Michigan.

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