B&H Kids’ The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook Goes Global
#1 Best-Seller Has Versions in Spanish, Portuguese and English
Nashville, TN – (October 23, 2015) B&H Kids announces two new language editions for its bestselling The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook. In October, The Big Picture Interactive Bible Story Book is releasing in both Spanish and Portuguese.
The Spanish edition is titled: La Gran Historia, Libro Interactivo de Relatos Bíblicos published under the B&H Niños imprint. The Portuguese edition is titled: Os Grandes Heróis – Histórias Bíblicas Interativas published in partnership by Bíblia Infantil BV Books RA.
All three versions – English, Spanish and Portuguese – utilize a free Augmented Reality app. For either Apple or Android devices, parents can scan the icon in the storybook to enable a “digital pop-up.” The image pops to life on the device with appropriate language narration from the Bible story.
“B&H Kids desires to share the Gospel message around the world and we’re excited to see this best-selling Bible Storybook branching out into new languages. The app is ground breaking and helps parents get their kids excited about Bible stories in a fresh new way,” says Dan Lynch, publisher for B&H Kids.
Craig Featherstone, Vice President of Lifeway Global, says they are being very strategic with its products for multi-cultural, technological-savvy families: “Lifeway Global is committed to providing kids with timeless truth and innovative technology. The Big Picture Interactive Storybook Bible is an ideal marriage of both.”
The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook was the #1 bestselling children’s bible on the CBA Bestsellers List in December 2014. B&H Kids continues to create on-going marketing initiatives for traditional and new media with blog promotions, publicity efforts and point-of-purchase alliances.
Contact: Dave Schroeder, VP of Communications
[email protected]