Francis Chan es el autor de los éxitos de ventas "Loco Amor", "Dios olvidado", "Borrando el infierno", "Tu y yo por siempre" (Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, You and Me Forever) y el conductor de la serie de BASIC "Quién es Dios" y "Somos una iglesia" (Who Is God & We Are Church). Hoy en día Francis trabaja formando iglesias en el area de San Francisco, California y recientemente comenzó un movimiento nacional de discipulado llamado "Multiplicar" (Multiply) junto a David Platt. Francis Chan is the best-selling author of Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, You and Me Forever and the host of the BASIC series (Who Is God & We Are Church). Currently, Francis is planting churches in the San Francisco area and recently launched a countrywide discipleship movement called Multiply with David Platt.