
by Alex Kendrick, Amy Parker, Stephen Kendrick

If you asked a group of kids to describe themselves, how would they reply? Probably with their names, ages, or favorite sports—who they are on the outside. But what about who... Continue Reading

Wonderful, eBook

by Alex Kendrick, Amy Parker, Stephen Kendrick

If you asked a group of kids to describe themselves, how would they reply? Probably with their names, ages, or favorite sports—who they are on the outside. But what about who... Continue Reading


If you asked a group of kids to describe themselves, how would they reply? Probably with their names, ages, or favorite sports—who they are on the outside. But what about who they are on the inside? Do they know they are unique, made new, and loved children of God?
This book for middle-grade readers focuses their identity right back where it belongs: on their hearts and souls and minds, reflecting the glory of the One who made them. Featuring fun full-color illustrations, each short essay and activity will help kids discover their worth in God and learn that their true identity is nothing short of wonderful.


If you asked a group of kids to describe themselves, how would they reply? Probably with their names, ages, or favorite sports—who they are on the outside. But what about who they are on the inside? Do they know they are unique, made new, and loved children of God?
This book for middle-grade readers focuses their identity right back where it belongs: on their hearts and souls and minds, reflecting the glory of the One who made them. Featuring fun full-color illustrations, each short essay and activity will help kids discover their worth in God and learn that their true identity is nothing short of wonderful.

About the Authors


Product Details

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Product Details

  • ISBN:
  • Status:
  • Release Date:
  • Page Count: