Fall tends to be the time to readjust your goals as you launch into a new fiscal year or school year. As leaders, it’s time for us to begin shifting our focus to where we will go in the new year and how we can best lead those who follow.

1. Leadership with Intention
Forward by Ronnie Floyd
Leaders must choose the best route to lead their people forward. It requires change, direction, and process. This deeply practical book will give you seven distinguishing marks to develop the skills needed to be a leader who can move their people forward.

2. Leadership by Faith
Unleashed by Eric Mason
Being conformed to the image of Christ is a life-long journey, and all need reminders of God’s goodness to us, His power, and His ability to transform us. Whether you are leading a church, a home, or a group of friends, seeking Christ and asking the Holy Spirit transform us to be more like Him is of utmost importance in our walk with the Lord.

3. Leadership in Outreach
I Will by Thom Rainer
Become an outwardly focused Christian and lead those who follow you to do the same. This is the follow up to I Am A Church Member, moving people from having an attitude in line with biblical distinctions of those in the Body of Christ to being people who serve as the Body of Christ.

4. Leadership in a Changing Culture
Onward by Russell Moore
As the culture changes around us, the need for leaders who will speak the truth in love is great. What’s needed now, in shifting times, is neither a doubling-down on the status quo nor a pullback into isolation. Instead, we need a church that speaks to social and political issues with a bigger vision in mind: that of the gospel of Jesus Christ.