Las memorias de un viajero

by Samuel Horn

Las memorias de un viajero

by Samuel Horn

El autor Sam Horn te guiará a través de este maravilloso Salmo y te invitará a pensar y reflexionar sobre tu caminar con Dios.

As a guide through this wonderful Psalm, author Sam Horn invites readers to think and reflect about their walk with God through this powerful, poetic psalm.


Todos, sin excepción, buscan una vida integral, de fidelidad y éxito. Pero para aquellos que caminan de acuerdo a la instrucción de Dios, la búsqueda se ve diferente de principio a fin. El Salmo 119 nos hace una invitación clara a esta vida. El autor Sam Horn te guiará a través de este maravilloso Salmo y te invitará a pensar y reflexionar sobre tu caminar con Dios.
"Veintidós perlas en un hilo". -Charles Bridges
"Un Salmo que amerita su valor en oro".
Al final de nuestra vida deseamos recitar el Salmo 119 como una afirmación de una vida de fidelidad. Para que ese día se vuelva realidad, experimenta el Salmo 119 y su cambio transformador en tu caminar con Dios.

Everyone, without exception, longs for a life of wholeness, faithfulness, and success. But for those who walk according to God's instruction, the quest from beginning to end looks different. Psalm 119 is a clear invitation to this life. As a guide through this wonderful Psalm, author Sam Horn invites readers to think and reflect about their walk with God through this powerful, poetic psalm.
Psalm 119 has been described like this,
"Twenty-two pearls upon one string." – Charles Bridges
"A Psalm worth its weight in gold."
At the end of our life, we wish to recite the 119th Psalm in great comfort as an affirmation of a life of faithfulness. For that day to be true, experience the Psalm 119 and its transformation change in your walk with God.

About the Author

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