Jairo Namnún

Jairo se desempeña como Director editorial para Coalición por el Evangelio y está encargado de idear y supervisar el contenido del ministerio. Recientemente se reincorporó al personal de la Iglesia Bautista Internacional, en República Dominicana, donde sirve como líder de jóvenes, luego de completar su Maestría en Divinidad en el Southern Baptist Theological Seminary en Louisville, Kentucky. Está casado con Patricia. Jairo serves as the Spanish Editorial Director for The Gospel Coalition and is tasked with ideating and supervising the ministry's content in that language. He recently rejoined the International Baptist Church in Santo Domingo, where he serves as a youth pastor, having completed his Masters of Theological Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is married with Patricia.
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