Part 1 – The Acts of the Apostles
1. Acts: The Gospel Moves Out
Part 2 – Paul and His Letters
2. Paul: Life and Ministry
3. Galatians: The Charter of Christian Liberty
4. The Thessalonian Correspondence: A Balanced View of Christ’s Return
1 Thessalonians: Christ Is Coming Soon
2 Thessalonians: But Not That Soon!
5. The Corinthian Correspondence: Countering Compromise with the Culture
1 Corinthians: Internal Immaturity and External Hellenizing Threats
2 Corinthians: Increasing Maturity but Infiltrating Judaizing Threats
6. Romans: The Most Systematic Exposition of Paul’s Gospel
7. The Prison Epistles: General Introduction
Philemon: A Christian Response to an Estranged Slave
Colossians: Christ as Lord of the Cosmos and the Church
Ephesians: Unity in Diversity of Messiah’s New Creation as a Witness to the “Powers”
Philippians: Joyful Imitation of Christ’s Humility
8. The Pastoral Epistles: General Introduction
Titus: Doing Good in the Church and Society
1 Timothy: How to Pastor a Church and Turn It Away from Error
2 Timothy: Pass It On
Part 3 – Other New Testament Writings
9. The Epistle of James: “Faith without Works Is Dead”
10. The Epistle to the Hebrews: Hold Fast to Jesus, God’s Son and High Priest
11. 1 Peter: Perseverance despite Persecution
12. The Epistle of Jude: “Contend for the Faith”
13. 2 Peter: “Where Is the Promise of His Coming?”
14. The Epistles of John: The Tests of Life
1 John: Countering the Secessionists
2 John: The Secessionists Attack from Outside
3 John: The Secessionists Take Over Inside?
15. The Book of Revelation: God’s Plans for Cosmic History