From Pentecost to Patmos, 2nd Edition

by Craig Blomberg, Darlene Seal

From Pentecost to Patmos, 2nd Edition

by Craig Blomberg, Darlene Seal

Hardcover, Printed
In From Pentecost to Patmos, 2nd edition, Craig L. Blomberg and Darlene M. Seal provide the context and clarity that readers need to better understand Acts through Revelation.


Pairing depth of scholarship with contemporary application, the authors of From Pentecost to Patmos have produced a unique introductory New Testament textbook. Craig Blomberg and Darlene Seal provide the context and clarity that readers need to better understand Acts through Revelation, showcasing the historical, linguistic, and theological implications found in each book. This second edition includes expanded footnotes and a lengthier, up-to-date introduction to Paul. Newly added review questions, maps, and diagrams enhance the scholarship and make the resource truly user-friendly.

Table of Contents

Part 1 – The Acts of the Apostles

1. Acts: The Gospel Moves Out

Part 2 – Paul and His Letters

2. Paul: Life and Ministry
3. Galatians: The Charter of Christian Liberty
4. The Thessalonian Correspondence: A Balanced View of Christ’s Return
1 Thessalonians: Christ Is Coming Soon
2 Thessalonians: But Not That Soon!
5. The Corinthian Correspondence: Countering Compromise with the Culture
1 Corinthians: Internal Immaturity and External Hellenizing Threats
2 Corinthians: Increasing Maturity but Infiltrating Judaizing Threats
6. Romans: The Most Systematic Exposition of Paul’s Gospel
7. The Prison Epistles: General Introduction
Philemon: A Christian Response to an Estranged Slave
Colossians: Christ as Lord of the Cosmos and the Church
Ephesians: Unity in Diversity of Messiah’s New Creation as a Witness to the “Powers”
Philippians: Joyful Imitation of Christ’s Humility
8. The Pastoral Epistles: General Introduction
Titus: Doing Good in the Church and Society
1 Timothy: How to Pastor a Church and Turn It Away from Error
2 Timothy: Pass It On

Part 3 – Other New Testament Writings

9. The Epistle of James: “Faith without Works Is Dead”
10. The Epistle to the Hebrews: Hold Fast to Jesus, God’s Son and High Priest
11. 1 Peter: Perseverance despite Persecution
12. The Epistle of Jude: “Contend for the Faith”
13. 2 Peter: “Where Is the Promise of His Coming?”
14. The Epistles of John: The Tests of Life
​1 John: Countering the Secessionists
2 John: The Secessionists Attack from Outside
3 John: The Secessionists Take Over Inside?
15. The Book of Revelation: God’s Plans for Cosmic History

About the Authors

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