Homeschooling at the Speed of Life, eBook

by Marilyn Rockett

Homeschooling at the Speed of Life, eBook

by Marilyn Rockett

Practical organization, teaching and relationship advice for busy homeschooling moms.


What should I do next; grade the math test or tackle the laundry? Homeschooling at the Speed of Life gives busy homeschooling mothers a thoughtfully thorough resource for bringing order back to their home. In tune with today’s pace, the book provides basic home-management principles, teaching parents how to de-clutter their homes, develop life skills in their children, tame the paper monster, and keep organized records. Also emphasized are ways to build relationships and use the home as a center for hospitality and outreach. Homeschooling moms will be keeping up with their good work in no time!


Product Details

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