
by Steve Gaines


by Steve Gaines

“Will you not revive us again so that your people may rejoice in you?” (Psalm 85:6) Following the revival at Asbury University, Christians are asking what is a revival, how do we know it, and—perhaps most intriguing—how might Christians prepare the way for such a movement of God? In Revival: When God Comes to Church, Pastor Steve Gaines analyzes how churches can look like the church of the First Century. Infused with the Holy Spirit, they evangelized most of the civilized world within only three centuries. Revival is what we call it when God to comes to church!
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Why don’t our churches today look like the church in the book of Acts? Could they? When God manifests his presence to a fellowship of believers in Christ, God’s people experience revival. That’s one way to define what revival is—when God comes to church. In Revival: When God Comes to Church, Pastor Steve Gaines analyzes how churches can look like the church of the first century. Infused with the Holy Spirit, they evangelized most of the civilized world within only three centuries. We don’t need another program, personalities, or marketing; we need his presence. The Holy Spirit is our primary draw, and when he touches people, they’re never the same.

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