J. Garrett Kell
Garrett Kell tiene una licenciatura de Virginia Tech, donde conoció al Señor a través de un amigo. Garrett sirvió como pastor de evangelismo en Denton Bible Church mientras estudiaba su maestría en teología en Dallas Theological Seminary. Después de eso pastoreó por siete años en Graham Bible Church en Graham, Texas. Fue parte del personal de Capitol Hill Baptist Church, quienes lo contactaron con Del Ray Baptist Church, donde ha pastoreado desde el 2012. Está casado con Carrie y tienen cinco hijos. Garrett disfruta pasar tiempo con su familia, ver deportes, pescar y ejercitarse para poder comer lo que quiera.Garrett Kell completed his undergrad at Virginia Tech, where he came to know the Lord through the witness of a friend. Garrett served as the evangelism pastor at Denton Bible Church while earning his ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary. He then served as a pastor with Graham Bible Church in Graham, TX for seven years. He later spent time on staff with Capitol Hill Baptist Church, who helped place him with Del Ray Baptist Church, where he has served as a Pastor since 2012. He is married to Carrie, and together they have five children. Garrett enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, fishing, and exercising so he can eat whatever he wants.
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